OK, so I haven´t been writing much lately. But considering the week I have had to endure - for being stupid enough to promise to do something I should have known from the start would fuck up my summer - I should consider myself lucky to be alive. Since I fear I might go crazy if I don´t slow down a bit, I now sit down to write my weekly kitty update, or whatever-update, with a glass of white wine by my side, and a snoring husband a few steps away... HE is enjoying his (paid!) 27 weeks vacation (or 9, or whatever...) to the fullest, goes from one garden party to the next, sitting up until 3 or 4 in the morning - because HE doesn´t have to think about work... And all this is just FINE - I wouldn´t mind one bit - if I could just do the same! Imagine how much I hated all those happy, free paid-vacationers partying down the street at my friend Majvor´s house, when I had to drag myself away from the party, with the intention to go to bed early to be able to put in my 12 hour workday?
And I should mention that I have been to a few parties myself - oh yes! But at this age it isn´t too easy to try to combine heavy working with parties 6 days a week... Nowadays, to do that, some things have to wait until later. Like - my blogs. [Now one of my Spanish readers is getting restless too...
Mierda! I´ve gotten myself into
el infierno de los blogs... As if I needed another thing to feel guilty about at this point in my life! It has gotten completely out of control -- I think I´ll start a Portugues-language blog, and I wont tell ANYBODY, I´ll write once every few months, and nobody will be angry with me... ] But don´t think I have been completely off line for not updating my blogs - oh no! I´ve been wasting nauseating amounts of valuable work time reading other people´s blogs - and I have even managed to identify one of the bloggers as a guy I once had in a radio piece 5 years ago... But I won´t tell him I´m checking his blog every day - and getting irritated because he hasn´t written since last week. I´d feel embarrassed if he´d know that I know a lot about his romantic adventure abroad....
But let´s see now, how many parties have I actually attended since last week?
Friday we had guests coming to our new "Kulturstugan" - I stayed up with them until 4 a.m.
Saturday - guests arrived at our house around noon, and then it was
fiesta continua until 1 a.m.
Sunday was the hottest day of the year - and I spent the hottest hours of that hot day watching childrens´ theater, in the
sun, with my guests, my nephew and my mohter... In the evening, there was a garden party down the street... planned to go home early - got home by 1 a.m
Monday I was probably more dead than alive - can´t even remember what I did that day - except that I worked, of course!
Tuesday - birthday party on an island off Jakobstad. One of my old friends turned 50. I didn´t actually have the time to go there, but I went anyway. It was fun - but I didn´t manage to put in my required 12 hours of work, since the boat for Masskär left at 4.30 p.m (and I have never, or at least not since I was a flight attendant, managed to get to work at 4.30 a.m....)
Wednesday - got to work around 11, I think, with just a slight hang over. The computer crashed just when I was about to save what I had been working on for the last 4 hours... Fucking great!! I allowed myself a minor (10 minutes...) nervous breakdown, kicking, screaming, crying, chain-smoking 2 cigarrettes in a row - and then I started over. Got home around midnight to find a party going on in our garden. Kjell had dinner guests. Joined the party until 2 a.m
Thursday - since the radio program that was going on air tonight, was NOT ready, I had to get in "early" - that is 10.30 a.m. By then my dear husband was barely awake - since he is on vacation, dammit! (I want a loooong paid vacation too!!!). I was done around 3 p.m - with plenty of time to spare... but usually I try to get my stuff ready the night before, so I won´t get dead-line angst. I didn´t have time for any angst today, though...
Punished myself by riding my bicyle home. Bad idea! I had terrible sidewinds and headwinds the whole 21 kilometers. [As if I wasn´t exhausted enough before that...]
Tomorrow is probably a new day. I should go to a wedding on Saturday, 500 km from here. Kjell will have to go alone. I´ll close my door, unplug my computer, and just stay in bed for the whole weekend. Or if not, I´ll work. One more La Palma-program to go...
No, I´m not even going to mention the litter box - I´ll empty it when the first snow falls, or by christmas, whichever comes first.
I´m going to go downstairs to give the cats 1 chance to spend the night inside, and then I´m off to bed.