Mental Kitty Litter

OK, let´s face it - this is a REALLY worthless blog, and in case you are NOT interested in cats and especialy "Kitty Litterature" - you might find it extremely boring. Besides, this is Rebecca´s fault, and the whole thing started as an inside joke about blogs in general, and the boring things people feel compelled to write in their blogs. But then I got hooked - and I can no longer stop myself from writing boring stuff about me and my cats.[Don´t tell me I didn´t warn you!]

Location: Österbotten, Finland

I´m a middleaged woman who likes cats and books and people - sometimes... And yes, I can be very grumpy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


So, finally I went to Stockholm, for the first time this year. It´s not that I have been avoiding the capital of Sweden, but since I´ve been busy going to El Hierro during the first months of this year, I just haven´t had the time to go and visit my husband - but he has been visiting me and the cats quite a few times, so... what was it I was planning to write? Anyway, when I arrived in Stockholm, the city was more or less as I left it in December - cold and rainy... As if autumn had never ended. Meanwhile, the weather was nice and warm in Nykarleby. (Why the hell am I going on and on about the weather? Probably because it sucked - and because I don´t really know what to say about the rest... )
Guillaume was with me on this trip, and it was his first visit to Sweden. Initially this visit to Stockholm was planned in February, because of the Calexico consert at Berns on April 30th. But then in the end two of the persons who were most eager to go to the consert couldn´t come - so young Guillaume ended up spending a lot of time with "old people"... (It was a very good consert, though)
When I asked G how he had liked his trip, he politely said it was "nice" - but my feeling is that he was slightly bored, at least part of the time. Should not be my problem, but I felt sort of repsonsible for having taken him there in the first place. But of course, he was the one who wanted to go marching with the Anarcho-Syndicalists on May 1st... And he did. But he didn´t participate in the "riots" in the afternoon...
So, I don´t know.
My husband unfortutantely had to work on Sunday, because of the king´s birthday - but we also got to spend some time together... But maybe not enough, this time.
Have to do something about that.
Now I have to work, for a change...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, since the Swedish-speaking Finnish cat pee updates are so sparse, I feel compelled to leave the American version: Our poor cat is suddenly acting her age--22. So far that means carrying her down to her box every hour or so.

Tue May 16, 04:26:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck's cousin--the one who likes to dynamite things--arrives today for a week's sojourn on our living room floor. We're hoping that the cat doesn't mistake the inflata-bed, or any suitcases, for a kitty litter box. We're not confident, however.

How are you?

Tue May 16, 04:28:00 PM 2006  

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