Mental Kitty Litter

OK, let´s face it - this is a REALLY worthless blog, and in case you are NOT interested in cats and especialy "Kitty Litterature" - you might find it extremely boring. Besides, this is Rebecca´s fault, and the whole thing started as an inside joke about blogs in general, and the boring things people feel compelled to write in their blogs. But then I got hooked - and I can no longer stop myself from writing boring stuff about me and my cats.[Don´t tell me I didn´t warn you!]

Location: Österbotten, Finland

I´m a middleaged woman who likes cats and books and people - sometimes... And yes, I can be very grumpy.

Friday, December 09, 2005

One week in Stockholm + litterbox update

It suddenly struck me that I´ve been i Stockholm for a whole week now, and I´m beginning to see a pattern in my way of handling my time here... The first few days I´m just happy to be here, planning all the fun things I´m going to do, all the beer I´m going to drink with all my nice friends - and even hoping to get some time with my husband, who might or might not be working like crazy. Then on the third or fourth day I get restless, not knowing exactly why, but feeling slightly guilty for not doing anything 'usefull' - like working, that is. Then suddenly it´s just a question of days before I´ll go away again, and at that point I begin to fret about all the things I haven´t done - all the movies I didn´t see, all the people I didn´t call etc. etc. I see the pattern, and at the same time I hate to be so predictable!

Far away from here, in my little house in Finland, there has been a lot of activities in the Kitty Litterbox - at least if I´m to believe my mother. She even feels compelled to tell me what kind of turds she has found there (very long and thin... supposedly one of the cat has eaten something he shouldn´t - or maybe just eaten too much!). And I let her tell me, since I´m not there to do the cleaning myself...
This time around, though, I have to say my cats are being taken care of better than ever.
My mother didn´t want to give up her status as "primary cat caretaker" while I´m away, but G. also spends many evenings in my house, listening to music, feeding the cats and keeping them company and trying to keep them from killing each other. And me, I´m really happy for the cats, now they don´t have to be alone all the time, and that makes me feel less guilty for leaving them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And meanwhile my poor Sam is headed to what we call the kitty spa (aka a cage at the vet's) on Monday for an almost month-long sojourn. She is, it turns out, the vet's oldest patient at an estimated 22 years old, with only eight years to go to break what the vet thinks is the record.

Fri Dec 09, 02:24:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vet also said that they have to snatch their hands away very quickly when they put her food down, lest they lose digits to the snapping jaws. No word about her prodigious litter box output....

Off to Cape Verde and Lisboa on Sunday. Too bad you don't have a Portugese blog, too, so I could have been practicing!

Fri Dec 09, 02:25:00 PM 2005  

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