Mental Kitty Litter

OK, let´s face it - this is a REALLY worthless blog, and in case you are NOT interested in cats and especialy "Kitty Litterature" - you might find it extremely boring. Besides, this is Rebecca´s fault, and the whole thing started as an inside joke about blogs in general, and the boring things people feel compelled to write in their blogs. But then I got hooked - and I can no longer stop myself from writing boring stuff about me and my cats.[Don´t tell me I didn´t warn you!]

Location: Österbotten, Finland

I´m a middleaged woman who likes cats and books and people - sometimes... And yes, I can be very grumpy.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Things you can find in the cat´s bushy tail

Today I haven´t even thought of using my poisonous bottle to remove the smell of cat urine in the car, so I assume it doesn´t smell any longer. I know I could be wrong. But, be that as it might, I have other things to report...

This morning (that is, at around 10 A.M.), when I stumbled down the stairs to let some cat out, probably to do something he also could have done in the litter box, I almost stepped on something I first thought was a very round little brown stone - but which turned out to be a cat turd... And I have a suspect for this turd: it must have been Frissi, with his very furry tail, becuase it wouldn´t be the first time he unwillingly brings inside things that should stay outside. Once, a few years ago, I saw something moving in his tail (when the tail was still...) and that time it was a live worm... It must have creapt into his tail when he was doing other things in a hole in the ground, and then it probably got lost among all that hair, and ended up inside instead. When the cats come to sleep in my bed I usually prefer not to look too close at Frissi´s tail... who knows what I could find...

We´re watchnig Spanish TV right now, and I´m quite surprised to hear that Spain has passed a law that gives homosexuals the right to marry, to adopt children etc. That´s great! You´d think that the Scandinavian countries would pass that kind of laws, but in Finland homosexuals can only "register" their relationship, but they can´t marry. Personally I don´t understand why anybody would want to marry (I blame my marriage on the US... Had to get married so I wouldn´t have to live in DC on a tourist visa...), but then again, there are many things in this world that I don´t understand, and I still have to accept them... And the reasons why homosexuals would not have the right to do what they like when it comes to marrying each other or adopting children are all so absurd, like "it´s against Nature...". So...? Nature usually sucks! So if it´s agains Nature, good!!

(Here comes something completely unrelated to kitty litter - or or gay marriage- but I found it interesting anyway--) Today I found a website where I could check out which of the jobs I´ve had since 1974 that will have an impact on the money I will eventually be able to cash in when I retire - that is, if I ever have a chance to get any money if I retire. I fear that when - or if - I reach the age of 63 the rules will have changed, and there will be no retirement age, I´ll have to work untill I´m 95 if I'm healthy, and if I´m not, the next generation - or the one after that (the kids who have grown up killing people on the screen since before they could talk...) will swiftly put me out of my misery as soon as I´m no longer a working, tax-paying citizen... Anyway, about the website, it was interesting to get access to information that showed (among other things...) that I have had quite a few different jobs in my life, so far...

But if I could choose, I think I´d prefer to be a cat (at least if I chould live in my house...). Some days, like, today, when I have too much unfinished work, and at least one more month of heavy work loads until I can maybe take a few weeks off, I would so much like to be a cat... I wouldn´t need to do anything but pee in an old car now and then, eat, sleep, chase anohter cat up a tree, eat something, sleep, go for a walk, sleep, do cat-things, eat.... sleep... And since my cats are all castrated, they don´t even need to try to get laid.
Oh! I do wish I were one of my own cats...


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